Apple cites bevy of scared users to back up its case against the EU DMA

By (William Gallagher) Apple has to comply with the EU’s new law about rival App Stores, but it’s protesting all the way and is now showing emails from users who fear the changes.Tim CookAhead of the March 7, 2024 deadline and the facility for third-party app stores in the EU that will come with iOS 17.4, Apple has published a whitepaper detailing its compliance with the law, and its objections to it. As part of that, the whitepaper includes the text of 16 emails sent to Tim Cook by concerned users within the European Union.”I am feeling increasingly more concerned and scared about my digital privacy and online safety in the EU,” says one. “As an EU citizen and Apple user I always believed to have had the perfect balance between regulatory protection (like GDPR) and Apple safety features (like App Tracking Transparency and App Store).” Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums

Source:: Apple Insider