Five Apple Vision Pro Cinema Environments that we’d like to see

By (Mike Wuerthele) Apple will do what it will do, but there are some Cinema Environments that we’d like to see that would make our experience with the Apple Vision Pro more fun and fit the theme of the device. Here are AppleInsider’s choices.Why watch a movie when you can see your home when you don’t have to?Yes, we know that visionOS is new. It’s so new that it still feels like a beta.There are exactly two specific Cinema Environments to watch movies in Apple’s movie player beyond the generic environments. And that’s if you count the Mt. hood one which isn’t exactly a theater. Mt. Hood at night can be used to view movies over the lake on a simulated 150 foot wide screen — assuming you’re in the environment before you start the movie. Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums

Source:: Apple Insider