Category Archives: Mac Tips

Processing: A definition of the word.

By Seesh A continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner.
There is no continuous action or series of changes taking place in my order. Apple should change processing to order received. It’s been a month of processing and I’m tired of it.
42mm SS w/ black leather loop.

Source: MacRumours


So, reluctant iPhone 6+ owners, it’s been over six months…

By Bearxor Those of you that bought the 6+ thinking it was too big, how has the past few months been to you? We’re getting close to WWDC and another iPhone launch a few months later. If you have the same choice this fall, will you pick the Plus or go for the standard model?
I bought the Plus with the idea that Apple and developers would take advantage of the screen real estate in some kind of novel way and it just hasn’t happened. The apps that do support higher resolution like messages or mail I just end up maximizing the side of the window with the message and I find that there’s no room for context in the messaging app in landscape mode when trying to type a reply.
At the same time, the camera is pretty underwhelming even with the OIS and the larger battery doesn’t make the phone last significantly longer than the standard 6.
I’m waiting until WWDC, for sure, just to see if APple has anything up it’s sleeves with regards to more functionality on the Plus vs the standard model but I just wanted to see how anyone else is feeling about it.
If you bought the 6 Plus more for features and capability vs just getting a larger screen, would you still make that choice later this year?

Source: MacRumours